Wednesday, 26 December 2012

The Cut through Winkfield

Boxing Day started wet and just got wetter!  We no sooner left the road than paths quickly became ankle deep (and deeper) in water.  I wish I'd thought to take some pictures.  It made for some quite funny scenes, especially as DS1 wasn't wearing the right footwear.  I love my North Face boots.  Having spent a year walking through puddles, streams and very wet ground - this was the only day when my feet actually got wet and that wasn't the fault of the boots.  I misjudged a puddle and water came in over the top.  Next on the shopping list - gaiters!

A rather full stream

On the walk across towards St Mary's church.  The rain just kept on coming.

Over the stile - check out those wet trousers!  We were all soaked.  Somehow we didn't think to take waterproofs!

The churchyard of St Mary's Winkfield.  

This walk was only 3.5 miles and with the constant rain there wasn't much time for playing.  We realised how much fitter we've become over the last year. 3.5 miles was easy and we could easily have done the whole lot again.  I think it's time to crank things up a notch. Let's do something longer next time - and hope for better weather.

One of the drier paths